Thursday, February 26, 2015

Free Speech or Symbols of Racism?

In Sacramento, California, residence of a small town neighborhood were shocked to be driving down the street and seeing swastikas displayed on a neighbors property. These swastikas took their form on American flags and the Flag of Israel, replacing the Star of David and the 50 stars on our own flag. This display has caused quite the uproar and has extended into the national spotlight. California lawmakers have "demanded" that the man take down his customized flags because they fear that hatred displayed in such a manner could be followed by and action of terrorism and violence. But this man is acting within his rights of free speech as an American citizen, guaranteed under the First Amendment. That being said, lawmakers "demanding" that these symbols be removed is nothing short of a symbolic gesture in itself. These lawmakers have no authority over this display, regardless of how hate fueled and controversial it may be.

Some of the residence of this small neighborhood have expressed an interest in walking over to the property and removing the symbols on their own. To which I respond, "Why waste your time?" In my opinion, any person is well within their rights to let everyone in their neighborhood know that they are a racist bigot. Who am I to get in the way of someone making a fool of themselves? One of my favorite quotes seems to apply to this situation beautifully and it goes as follows: "America wasn't founded so that we could all be better. America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please."-P.J. O'Rourke. To learn more about this developing situation, read more here: Free Speech or Symbols of Racism?

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